Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memo to BO...

Memo - Next time Obama please note that Memorial Day is a day to honor the fallen veterans both past and present....NOT as you say "the unbroken line of heros". The day we celebrate the "unbroken line of heros" is on Veterans Day. I guess "the man" hid that bit of info too deeply in something called a book. Pick one one, it may help. ...and people want to elect this guy???

Friday, April 25, 2008

Obama's pastor does it again - gotta love it !

Eating breakfast and watching Morning Joe on MSNBC can be a choking hazard, especially when the conversation turns to Obama's pastor Rev. Wright. This morning was one of those days where they should have put a flashing red banner on the screen..."WARNING: Stop Eating, Choking Hazard Statements". That's right, good 'ol Rev. Wright did it again. Joe played a clip of the Bill Moyers interview that will be aired tonight on PBS with Rev. J. Wright. Here is what caused me to choke on my apple...

Moyers: You performed his wedding ceremony. You baptized his two children. You were, for 20 years, his spiritual counsel. He has said that. And, yet, he, in that speech at Philadelphia, had to say some hard things about you. How did those words...how did it go down with you when you heard Barack Obama say those things?

Wright: It went down very simply. He's a politician, I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences. And he says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor. But they're two different worlds.

I do what I do. He does what politicians do. So that what happened in Philadelphia where he had to respond to the sound bytes, he responded as a politician.

Whhhaaat ?? If I were in Obama's camp I would be shouting at the tv by now. Buuut since I'm not, Way to go Reverend !!

So let's break this down. Obama, according to the good Reverend, said what he said because that is what politicians do...you mean lie of course. So why did BO need to lie? Maybe it is because what the Reverend has said in all those sound bytes is what Obama really thinks, and to cover himself in front of a Philadelphia crowd, well, as Wright put it "...he responded as a politician".

We all know that politicians speak to the type of crowds they are with. That's why you get Hillary talking about how her father took her out as a young girl to show her how to shoot a gun, when we all know back in the 90s she was doing everything she could to take away gun rights.

Obama was simply telling the crowd in Philadelphia what they wanted to hear, that is... he does not agree with his Pastor's comments. Please America, don't look at the fact that I went to the church for 20 years, was married to Michelle by Wright, was my spiritual advisor, friend, sat on my presidential steering committee, etc. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Please Obama, Americans are smarter than that....I hope they are...well, I pray that at least 51% are.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Time Magazine has the solution to climate change...hold on to your wallet.

It's amazing...Time Magazine has the solution to our climate change dilemma. I would like to share with you some of the 51 suggestions we all can do to live in harmony with mother gia.

#3 - Change Your Light bulbs (to CFL's)
CFL stands for compact fluorescent light bulbs. "...but because each bulb still contains 5mg of mercury, your not supposed to toss them out with your regular trash..." OK, your not supposed to, but you know it will happen. Tons of light bulbs will be dumped into landfills every year leaking into our water supply. My solution: party like it was 1799, that's right break out those candles and turn off the light switch. Oh, just one thing, make sure they are organic candles because the traditional ones have lead in them.

#5 - Pay the Carbon Tax
We knew it would come down to this one. Where there's a will there's a tax. It's all about control.

#6. - Ditch the Mansion
According to Time Magazine "...an art teacher dwells alone in a home fit for a hobbit, 100 sq. ft." he now "sells custom designs for miniature dwellings that range from 70 sq. ft. to 350 sq. ft." My solution: get thrown in jail where you can live in a 6x8 cell (48 sq. ft.) and you get fed 3 meals a day and plenty of recreation. That 350 sq. ft. house looks more like a wasteful mansion compared with the 48 sq. ft. cell., think about it.

#7 - Hang up a Clothes Line.
Sounds good...would work well in northern winters and the condo commandos in South Florida would love this one.
I would really be interested in seeing the sexy under ware of the 300 pound lady that lives next door to me. NOT!

#11 - Take Another Look at Vintage Clothes.
OOHHH Yeaaa! I can feel the silky polyester on my skin now...funky leisure suits, bell bottoms, and platform shoes. Weeeelll, it would not be the same having to wear these clothes and not be able to drive a boat size car that gets 8 miles to the gallon. So much for old clothes.

#15 - Move to a High Rise.
Anybody in New York like to triple your traffic congestion?? Note to South Dakota...start building tightly packed high rises.

#22 - Skip the Steak.
Time Mag suggests " Given the amount of energy consumed raising, shipping and selling livestock, a 16oz steak is like a Hummer on a plate." Hmmm, ok...So it's Tofu for everyone. Ummm I can see it now...tofu steak, tofu chicken, tofu lobster, tofu fish, tofu tofu. There maybe a problem...I forgot that the cost of growing the soy beans, processing, shipping, selling the tofu is like a Hummer on a plate.

#31 - Wear "Green" Eye Shadow
How about we cut right to the chase and just outlaw makeup. Might be difficult for a few of you ladies....and guys from San Francisco, but hey it is for the earth.

#33 - Rearrange the Heavens and the Earth
Time suggests "What if we could build a giant mirror in space to deflect the sun's energy?" How 'bout we go to the nearest galactic quick-e mart and get zillion pound bottle of sun screen and a pair of earth size sunglasses...make sure they are the ones that block out ultra-violet rays. The back up plan would be to pick up the galactic red phone an make a call to God and ask him to turn down the sun a tick.

#35 - End the Paper Chase
Time Mag wants to end all use of paper. I guess I need to either buy extra underwear or stock up on old Time Magazines. That reminds me...Hey Time, what do you print your useless articles on?? ooohhh, that's right PAPER !!!

#40 - Get a Carbon Budget
Time says "Divide greenhouse gas emissions by population, and give everyone in the world the right to emit the same amount of carbon - a personal carbon allowance." Where do I start with this one?? Question: Who is the one that will give people the right ?? Maybe if we start from scratch and take away all rights from everyone on the planet...create one world government (a Socialist / Police State), then we can all be equal. Why does it always come down to control and the "We know better, you don't know how to take of yourselves, so we will". I think the United Nations secretly purchased Time Magazine.

#46 - Plant a Tree in the Tropics
Time states "...actually (trees) have a net warming effect on the climate. The heat that dark leaves absorb outweighs the carbon they soak up." Wait...you mean all those trees I planted in the past year has helped to warm the earth??!! OH DEAR god! What have I done...ok..ok what to do...what to do. I know, clear cut all the trees in my community, eat tofu, buy carbon credits, trade my jeep for a hybrid, live in a 100 sq. ft. house, wear polyester, let the polyester dry on clothes lines, and and...oh hell, screw it!

#51 - Consume Less, Share more, Live Simply
Time again says "...reducing our impact on the planet will feel familiar to Evangelical Christians and Buddhists alike." First, whoever wrote this never read the Bible, and second this sounds a lot like Socialism again...just can't get away from that one Time.

Here is my suggestion on answering the climate change issue based on how the liberals see the problem...
Since those nutty liberals think humanity is a virus, well we just need to get rid of those pesky humans and the world will be able to live in complete harmony with the mother galaxy...until...the Sun expands frying the earth to a crispy fleck of dust. Question: Can we tax the sun???

One Big Fat LIE !

Following up on the last story about the Yale student who used her own self abortions as art....well we find out later that it was just a hoax (or as I like to call it...a big fat lie). Question: What is more disgusting than abortion? Answer: Making light of killing an unborn child and calling it "performance art".

UPDATE: Recently reported, we now don't know if this is a hoax or not...what a waste

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yale art student performs abortions on self and calls it art !

The Yale Daily News had a story about an art student named Aliza Shvarts who performed several self induced abortions over the course of 9 months all in the name of art. OK...let's stop right there. Does anyone see anything wrong with this?? There were some students that defended this "art"...or as I like to call it murder...and even one student called it beautiful. This is one sick SOB!

Although the article used the word abortion in the title, Aliza called it miscarriage. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a miscarriage is defined this way:

Main Entry: mis·car·riage

  • Pronunciation: \ˌmis-ˈker-ij, -ˈka-rij, ˈmis-ˌ\
  • Function: noun
  • Date: circa 1652
  • spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation
  • The key word here is spontaneous! There is nothing spontaneous about using drugs to end a pregnancy. The other point is that what she had as far as we know is a viable fetus (unborn child). I guess she just wanted to sacrifice the unborn child all in the name of art.

    Since life is not precious to many people, I guess murderers like Aliza would consider it art if a radical muslim cut the head off of a Christian ...that is if the radical muslim called it art.

    If you would like to read the full article go to : Yale Daily News

    Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    "OINKERS" of 2008 - It will make you laugh...it will make you cry...it will make you sick to your stomach !!

    Here it is folks, Citizens Against Government Waste has released their 2008 "Pig Book Summary".

    After reading all 59 pages, the one thief that stood out to me was good ol Charlie Rangel (D-NY). Charlie felt very generous with the U.S. taxpayers money this year and gave $1,950,000 for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service. Wow!! Public Service huh??!! How 'bout we rename that to the Charles B. Rangel Center for Stealing and Screwing the U.S. Taxpayer...seems to roll off the lips a little better.

    Anyway the following list of 2008 "Oinkers" was taken directly from the CAGW Pig Book. If you would like to take a read of all the politicians that pigged out on taxpayers hard earned money go to :
    PIG BOOK "OINKERS" OF 2008 (link to PDF) - You can also go to their main website at:
    Believe it or not you will find a handful of politicians that did not spend a penny of pork.

    The French Kiss Off Award
    to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) for $211,509 in olive fruit fly
    research in Paris, France.

    The Taxpayers Get Teed Off Award

    to House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) for 3$ millon for
    The First Tee in the defense appropriations bill.

    The Cold Hard Cash Award
    to Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) for $165.7 million in defense pork.

    The Tax Dollars on Drugs Award
    to Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) for $23 million for the
    National Drug Intelligence Center.

    The Pantheon Pork Award
    to Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) for $386 million in pork.

    The Narcissist Award
    to Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) for $1,950,000 for the
    Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service.

    The Pig in Sheep's Clothing Award
    to Montana Senators Max Baucus (D) and Jon Tester (D) for $148,950
    for the Montana Sheep Institute.

    The Unidentified Fiscal Object Award
    to Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) for $1.6 million for the
    Allen Telescope Array.

    The Money Doesn't Grow on Trees Award
    to Senator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) for $344,540
    for the city of Chicago GreenStreets Tree Planting Program.

    The Porky and Bess Award
    for $7.9 million for 36 theaters in 21 states.

    The Pacific Fleeced Award
    to Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) for $173.2 million in defense pork.

    The Taxpayers Get Steamed Award
    to Maine Senators Susan Collins (R) and Olympia Snowe (R), and
    Rep. Thomas Allen (D-Maine) for $188,000 for the Lobster Institute.

    The Pork Was Made for Walking Award
    to Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) for $98,000 to develop a
    walking tour of Boydton, Virgina.

    The Return to Sender Award
    to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for $196,000 for the
    renovation and transformation of the historic downtown Post Office in Las Vegas.


    Tuesday, April 15, 2008

    Jackie Mason gets right to the point on Obama

    This is a great video blog from Jackie Mason. Mason has a great sense of humor and a razor sharp ability to cut through the crap when it comes to politics. His monologue is about 6 min, check it out.

    Friday, April 4, 2008

    What the HELL ??!!!

    I have been catching this "pregnant man" story on the news the past couple of days. OK, let's get something straight you liberals....just because you cut off your boobies and grow a little facial hair does not make you a man. This person is not a pregnant man....it is a woman with a few screws loose. As they say, you can paint a pumpkin black, but it doesn't make it a bowling ball. Secondly, the news coverage on this story has been sooo one sided. I have not heard of anyone question the ethics or the ramifications of this situation on the child that will be born.

    100 years ago this woman would have been in the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum or would have toured with P.T. Barnum's circus. Now, liberal society looks at this freak show and thinks, "Oh how wonderful. We live in a world where anything is possible." Forgive me for saying, but holy SH#@ FU@$, I just want to grab a hold of the next liberal news person that makes some positive remark about this wacko and punch them right in the kisser.

    One of the many things that I hate about this pathetic situation is that I get sooo emotional about something I should expect from liberal society, which is.....One big "anything goes" free for all. God help us all!!!

    Friday, March 21, 2008

    Chris - Your just an ASS!

    Here is good ol Chris on MSMBC-

    CHRIS MATTHEWS: "I think [Richardson's] a gutsy guy, his own man, and I think it's a powerful endorsement. It certainly would have been powerful if it had gone the other way to Senator Clinton. I think it'll be a prized endorsement for Senator Obama, especially coming from a, he also comes from an interesting background. He always says, he says, you know, I've got a, what does he say? I've got an English name, I've got a Mexican mother, and I look like an Indian. I mean, he's, he's always had an interesting" --

    You pretend to be a news man, and your not. Your arrogance is a sickness shared by most of your colleagues. If you want to be a partisan hack, it's a free country...but please be honest about it. Stop treating the American people as if we are all a bunch of knuckle draggers. If Obama or Richardson tickles your fancy...hey, who am I to tell you how to feel, but don't act as if you are being non-partisan.

    Here is a bit of advice from a viewer - If you want to stop being an ASS then be honest with yourself and we the viewers, admit that your pulling for Obama....PLEASE!

    Wednesday, March 19, 2008

    Obama's speech just more political BS !

    I understand that most pundits have been saying that BO's speech was something he had to do...a little late but necessary. The words that he used were quite strong against many of the things said by Pastor Wright. Did BO believe in Wrights views 20 years ago...10 years ago....before he started running for President? Who knows. Let's give the man the benefit of the doubt. So let us assume that BO did not believe in the lunatic racist beliefs of his spiritual leader....does this come down to a judgement issue?? Let me think....YEEESSSSSSS !!!!!!

    Judgement on the part of BO is the real issue. Let's face it, BO could have been a member of the Black Panthers, believe every word that came out of the foul mouth of his pastor, and was on video bobbing his head up and down every time his pastor made a racist anti-American remark....and the guilty white liberals plus the liberal mainstream media would have given him a pass. When it comes to judgement however, BO has gotten himself into dangerous territory. For a guy that is considered sooo smart, why the hell does he make the dumb decision and associate himself with scumbags ...(Wright & Reznik)?

    I want the next President to have a higher level of judgement than BO has shown. Next thing you know he is going to be sitting down with leaders from Iran, Venezuela, & North Korea....oh wait...he said he was going to do that. BO's judgement....ZERO !!!

    Friday, March 14, 2008

    Is Obama a racist?? His actions should speak louder than words...but his pastor's words speak the loudest!!

    So you say that you have been going to clan meetings for the past 20 years and you want to be president. You also say that the Grand Dragon has been your mentor and friend for most of these years. You bring your wife and kids to these "get togethers". The Grand Dragon has been your spiritual leader and lead you to Christ. You say you still want to be president. During interviews you are asked about your relationship...you defend it, but you don't always agree with everything the Grand Dragon says. You do enjoy the BBQs though. Everyone is soooo warm and friendly to you....(maybe it is because you are white). You still say that many of the things the Grand Dragon says is downright wrong and hateful. And yet you stuck with him for 20 years and called him your friend and mentor.

    My friends, if this were a white Obama described in the above statement, would he have come this far? Answer: NOT IN YOUR LIFE !!! ok...ok...maybe he would have made senator in West Virginia. (can anyone say Senator Byrd)

    Obama's pastor and close friend...the one who lead him to Christ, the one who married he and Michelle, the one who baptized his children, the one who is considered his mentor, the one who is on his presidential steering committee, the one who has guided him...the one who has....well you get my point.....You don't live your life this close to a person and then walk away and say, "I don't believe in the hateful things he has said." I think Obama does believe much of what his lunatic racist pastor believes. Maybe this is why Michelle Obama is only proud of her country when her husband is ahead in the polls....she has been infected by the absolute crap that comes out of the pastors mouth. What does Obama think? Does he really agree with his pastor? Does he hate America? Is he a racist? Well you are not going to get a true answer out of him because he is running for President. Instead we should all be looking at where he has been the last 20 years. Simple....he has been hang'in around and getting his guidance from and scumbag America hating lunatic racist....
    Is Obama racist??? hmmmm, I wonder. (watch video below)

    Wednesday, March 12, 2008

    $110 for a barrel of OIL !!?? Liberal solution - TAX the bastard oil companies...tax them until they cry uncle!!!!

    Don't you just love liberals...not a clue when it comes to economics. News Flash - the price of oil is effected by more than "greedy" oil guys. TRY THE FALLING DOLLAR YOU MORONS!!! Not to mention China, India, and oh yeah....how about pinhead environmentalists that force states like California to offer a zillion different gasoline blends that take up valuable refining capacity. These are the same small minded knuckle draggers that put pressure on weak spine politicians to block the building of new refineries. I won't even start with the ethanol scam.

    Here is a little secret I am going to share with you cry baby libs who have never owned a business...the taxes you all want to press upon the "evil oil guys"...well you don't really believe they sit around a table and say..."golly gee, I guess we are just going to have to pay these taxes out of our pockets" nooooo, come closer and I will whisper the answer in your ear, ready....THEY PASS THE FREAKIN TAX INCREASE ON TO THE CONSUMER YOU MORON!!!!!

    Oh course you would never know this because you went to public school. You were too busy learning about how evil this country is, or why Billy has two daddies, or some other pile of bull crap instead of learning about supply and demand. Do yourself a favor and pick up an economics book.

    Have a peachy day :)

    Wednesday, March 5, 2008

    Global Warming Freaks, "ooops, did we forget this bit of info"?(click chart) I guess it would take a lot of dinosaur farts to warm the earth !!!

    To all the global warming freaks...if you factor in all the forces that could warm and cool the planet (ie - the sun, earths natural cycles etc) "man" has the least amount of power. Admit it, you assholes on the left have a bit of a god complex...come on, admit it. ohhhhh that's right, you don't believe in God.

    I am going to let you in on a little secret...shhhhhh.....(in a wishper tone) if the environment where static, we would all be dead. It's little bits like this that they hide in books.....but we'll just keep that one between you and me.

    Thursday, January 31, 2008

    The Democrat Boobs are either sooooo dumb that Bush could fool them, or every word from their mouths are lies...now who's dangerous??


    Yeah I know...this has been around the internet. The constant bitching from the Liberal (socialist) candidates for President need to read this!

    Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

    The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
    The fifth would pay $1.
    The sixth would pay $3.
    The seventh would pay $7.
    The eighth would pay $12.
    The ninth would pay $18.
    T he tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

    So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers, he said, 'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

    The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers?How could they divide the $20 &n bsp;wi ndfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?' They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted
    that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.!

    And so:

    The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
    The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
    The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28% saving s).
    The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
    The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
    The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

    Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

    'I only got a dollar out of the $20,'declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,' but he got $10!'

    'Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he go t ten times more than I!'

    'That's true!!' shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!'

    'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!'

    The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

    The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even h alf of the bill!

    And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

    David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
    Professor of Economics, University of Georgia

    For those who understand, no explanation is needed.

    For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

    Tuesday, January 29, 2008

    Hey Chris, your not far enough up Senator Biden's ass to reach his stomach yet!

    "...And, Senator, thank you for running for President because you added a lot to those debates, and they needed some things, and you gave it to them, and I know it was a hard thing, but thank you. I mean it, as a friend. I really think it showed so much guts to run. And maybe it will be an African-American, maybe it will be a woman, maybe it will be a Republican, but I think the best thing is that you ran, and that's how the system works."
    - Mad Chris Matthews


    Friday, January 18, 2008

    LIBERALS OFFENDED !!!....so what else is new?!

    Golf Channel didn't deal with Tilghman's comments until Newsday in New York first wrote about the "lynch" reference three days after the broadcast. The suspension was announced shortly after the "Rev." Al Sharpton demanded on CNN that Tilghman be fired.
    Yahoo News

    I have always been amazed by the hypersensitivity of soft spine liberals. They scatter like roaches when you flick on the light of truth. Libs find offense in every sentence, every action, every event. Just like the folks that reacted to the noose picture on the cover of "Golfweek", I too could be easily offended. It would not take much for me to shutter when a lib makes one of their usual fascist remarks like "We need universal health care", "Tax the rich", or my favorite, "Do the planet a favor, kill a conservative". The very existence of liberals could offend me, ....buuuut....I actually have a brain, and I don't get worked up over statements from those silly little blue staters. The pin head libs can take a lesson from Tiger Woods with respect to the lynch comment from a golf channel anchor, "It's a non-issue".

    (Please note: I did not comment on Sharpton's demand...frankly the guy is human debris)
    - White Rabbit

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    Ezra Klein shows his mental prowess by using the "F" Word to describe Tim Russert...PS.- Watch out for the mental Black Hole Ezra !

    "f*** tim russert. f*** him with a spiky acid-tipped d***."
    - Mad Ezra Klein

    News Busters

    I don't know how long Klein has been on this planet, but when you can't get your point across without injecting a few F-bombs into a sentence proves your dumber than a rock. I understand that politics can get a bit emotional. Here is a little free advice...People have a tendency to open their mouths before thinking, but writing your thoughts down gives you time to think. When you get your thoughts down on paper, read them back Ezra. If it is a little lowbrow, step back...rethink...rewrite. I know it can be difficult for a liberal such as you, but give it a try. Remember Ezra, if you can only come up with the F-bomb to make your argument then you don't have an argument. You only have a bunch of verbal bile that makes you look stupid. Think about it...I'm only trying to help. - White Rabbit

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    Cave Dweller Alert!!!

    A must watch video.  It is a little long but well worth the watch.  You also have to read subtext.  It is a clip from "Arab TV".  I won't tell you what the subject is...just watch.  Two cave dwellers vs one normal thinking muslim....and to think, the Liberals in this country just want to get along.  I assume "getting along" will happen right before the libs get their throats cut out by the cave dwellers. video

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Speaker Pelosi wouldn't know a Free Market Economy if it jumped up and bit her in the ass!

    ..."this legislation will benefit our consumers, with savings at the pump, it will strengthen our national security, and it will preserve God's beautiful creation for our future generations."
    - Mad Nancy Pelosi
